Using technology developed and patented by Quanttag the producer will have access to perhaps the most valuable tool ever created for the control, traceability and safety of their products. This technology is based on the unique combination in the world between Quantum Physics, Blockchain and Big Data. With this tool each product has a unique number whose sequence is impossible to replicate and modify.
This unique number, then associated with a given product, will ensure its originality and along the production, distribution and consumption chain will be tracked with a cloud system by consumer applications.
Quanttag has in its laboratory and data-center the system of generation of random numbers based on Quantum Physics, where all the number generated also passes through a quantum process in order to guarantee its randomness. At each step in the traceability chain processes are written in a Blockchain to ensure that they can never be modified. These numbers can be represented graphically by a QR Code or even be recorded in an RF-ID, depending on the necessity of use.